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Paper/Poster Presentations
Invited Lectures at UK/USA
International Meetings


  1. British Society of Audiology (BSA) meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness; University of Bristol, Sept 1993

  2. Otolaryngological Research Society (ORS) Autumn meeting; London, Oct 1993

  3. 17th International Annual Conference of Young Otolaryngologists; St  Petersburg, Russia, Oct 1993

  4. Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) Section of Otology short papers meeting; London, March 1994

  5. Otolaryngological Research Society (ORS) Spring meeting; Glasgow, April 1994

  6. 10th International Symposium on Hearing; Irsee, Bavaria in Germany, June 1994

  7. 31st Inner Ear Biology/Neuropharmacology Inner Ear meeting; Montpellier, France, Sept 1994

  8. ORS Autumn meeting; London, October 1994

  9. RSM Otology Section short papers meeting; London, March 1995 (awarded IONOS Registrar’s prize)

  10. ORS Spring meeting; Liverpool, April 1995

  11. 9th British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO); Manchester, July 1995 (awarded the Master’s Gold Medal)

  12. Diversity in Auditory Mechanics: International Symposium; University of Berkeley,  California; June 1996

  13. New Perspectives in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery; Harvard Medical  School, Cascais, Portugal; July 1996

  14. Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 20th Midwinter Meeting; St Petersburg, Florida; February 1997

  15. XVI World Congress in Otorhinolaryngology; Sydney, Australia; March 1997

  16. 9th International Seminar: Diagnostic & Rehabilitative Aspects of Dizziness and Balance Disorders, Denver, Colorado, USA, Dec 1997

  17. UICC Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) International Workshop: Issues & Challenges, Singapore International Convention Centre, Singapore, Feb1998

  18. ICOT-TTSH Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Singapore Feb 1998

  19. 7th International Symposium on Inner Ear Medicine & Surgery, Aspen, Colorado, USA, March 1998

  20. 8th International Symposium on Inner Ear Medicine & Surgery, Aspen Colorado USA, March 1999

  21. CCRMA Research Symposium, Stanford University, California, USA, May 1999

  22. Massachussetts Eye & Ear Infirmary : Eaton-Peabody Research Laboratories, Boston MA, USA, June 1999

  23. Otology 2000 Conference, XXII Annual Meeting of the Politzer Society: Zurich, Switzerland, September 1999

  24. 3rd International Symposium on Electronic Implants in Otology & Conventional Hearing Aids, Birmingham UK, May 2000

  25. National Healthcare Group Bone Anchored Hearing Aid Symposium & Workshop, NUH/ TTSH Singapore, Sep 2001

  26. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Conference, Florida USA, Feb 2003

  27. 3rd International Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology, Matsuyama Japan, July 2003

  28. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Conference, Florida USA, Feb 2004

  29. Mount Elizabeth Hospital - Let Them Hear Foundation Cochlear Implant Symposium, Singapore, May 2006

  30. Hearing International Convention, Manila, Philippines, Invited Speaker and Panel Judge, November 2006

  31. XII ASEAN ENT Conference 2007, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Invited Speaker, Aug 2007.

  32. 3rd Symposium of Clinical Exchange of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Invited Speaker, May 2009: Latest Advances in the Management of Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis.

  33. 2nd World Chinese ORL-HNS Conference: Multi-disciplinary Management of ENT, Invited Speaker & Panel Judge, Macau, June 2009

  34. 10th Mount Elizabeth Hospital Annual Clinical Meeting, Chairman & Faculty, Organising Committee, Singapore, November 2009

  35. XIII ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress, Invited Speaker, Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 11 -13 November 2009

  36. Speaker, 3rd Symposium for the Clinical Exchange of Traditional and Western Medicine, 01 May 2009, Singapore

  37. Chairperson, 7th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences, 1- 4 Dec 2009, Singapore

  38. 1st Master Course in Round Window Approach Techniques, Vibrant Soundbridge, 6 - 7 Dec 2009, University of Western Australia, Perth

  39. 11th Asian Conference on Balance Disturbances, 20 March 2010, Singapore

  40. 1st International Course on Coblaton Techniques, 20-22 May 2010, UWA, Perth, Australia

  41. The application of Bone Anchored Hearing Aids & Implants, Continuing Medical Education Programme, 12 June 2010, Singapore

  42. Faculty, Singapore General Hospital ENT week: Update on Vertigo, July 2010

  43. 4th Asia Pacific Otology & Neurology Meeting and 1st Singapore Otology & Skull Base Update, 9 – 10 Oct 2010, Singapore Expo & Convention Center, Singapore

  44. 3rd Singapore Vertigo Masterclass, 19 Feb 2011, St Regis Hotel, Singapore

  45. 1st Singapore Facial Plastic ENT Surgery Course with Office Based Aesthetic Workshop, 10- 12 March 2011, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

  46. Invited Speaker, 14th ASEAN ORL Head & Neck Congress, Kuching, 12 – 14 May 2011, Kuching, Sarawak

  47. Faculty, Singapore General Hospital ENT week, July 2011

  48. Invited Speaker & Course Faculty, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Surgery Masterclass and Workshop, 13 -14 Aug 2011, Taichung, Taiwan

  49. Sinus Forum Asia, 14 – 16 Oct 2011, Bali, Indonesia

  50. Speaker, Mt Elizabeth Continuing Medical Eduation Programme: T’s and A’s in kids, a relook, Nov 2011

  51. Faculty & Course Instructor, Singapore General Hospital ENT week: Update on Vertigo, July 2012

  52. Invited Speaker, 15th ASEAN ORL Head & Neck Congress, Cebu City, 21 – 23 March 2013, Cebu City, Philippines. “The Challenge of Innovation in ASEAN ENT-HNS Practice”: Drug Therapy for Vertigo: abort the attack or optimal control?

  53. Faculty & Course Instructor, Singapore General Hospital ENT week: Update on Vertigo, July 2013 2014 2015 & 2016

  54. Invited Speaker and Faculty: EASO 2016 in Hong Kong SAR China

  55. Faculty & Course Instructor, NHG Temporal Bone Course, 2016

  56. Faculty & Course Instructor, SGH Endoscopic Ear Surgery Course, 2016

  57. APOST Course Faculty, CGH Endoscopic Ear Surgery, 2018

  58. Faculty & Course Instructor, SGH Otology / Neurotology ENT Fortnight, 2018

  59. Faculty & Course Instructor, SGH Endoscopic Ear Surgery ENT Fortnight 2018

  60. Faculty & Speaker, ORL International Academic Conference (ORLIAC) Congress, Manila March 2018



  1. Airway compression by vascular anomalies in infants and neonates.
    E Murugasu, M P Rothera. Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore (1993) Vol 22 No 6 pp 952- 959

  2. Mechanical and voltage responses to tones measured from the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea.  E Murugasu, I J Russell. British Journal of Audiology (1993) Vol 27 No 5 pp 329-369; British Society of Audiology Short Papers Meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, Bristol University 27-28 Sept 1993- Communications

  3. Basilar membrane responses to low frequency tones at the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea.   E Murugasu, I J Russell. Clinical Otolaryngology (1993) Vol 18 No 5 pp 436-442; Otorhinolaryngological Research Society (ORS) Autumn meeting- Abstracts

  4. A new in-vivo model of cochlear ototoxicity.   E Murugasu, I J Russell
    Clinical Otolaryngology (1994)

  5. The influence of efferent stimulation on basilar membrane mechanics in the guinea pig cochlea. 
    E Murugasu, I J Russell British Journal of Audiology (1994) Vol 29: 33-34.

  6. A comparison between tone-evoked voltage responses of hair cells and basilar membrane displacements recorded in the basal turn of the guinea-pig cochlea.  I J Russell, M Kossl, E Murugasu. Advances in Hearing Research: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Hearing (G A Manley, H Fasti, G Klump, C Koppl, H Oeckinghaus, eds) (1995), World Scientific Press pp 136-144.

  7. Salicylate Ototoxicity: the effects on basilar membrane displacement, cochlear microphonics and neural responses in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. E Murugasu, I J Russell Auditory Neuroscience (1995) Volume 1: 139-150.

  8. The effect of efferent stimulation on basilar membrane displacement in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. E Murugasu, I J Russell
    The Journal of Neuroscience (1996) Volume 16 No 1: 325-332.

  9. The role of calcium on the effects of intracochlear acetylcholine perfusion on basilar membrane displacement in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. 
    E Murugasu, I J Russell Auditory Neuroscience (1996) Volume 2: 363-376.

  10. Mechanisms of neural efferent regulation of cochlear function.
    E Murugasu, I J Russell  
    Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (1996); currently in press.

  11. Medial efferent inhibition of basilar membrane displacement in the guinea pig cochlea is greatest at moderate to high intensities for near CF tones.
    E. Murugasu, I J Russell (1997); Journal Acoustical Society of America Vol 102 (3) 1734-1738.

  12. Tinnitus as the presenting symptom in a case of Lhermitte-Duclos Disease.
    C J Lobo, R H Mehan, E Murugasu, R D Laitt (1999); Journal of Laryngology and Otology: 113: 464-465.

  13. The Application of 3-Dimensional MRI rendering of the inner ear in assessment for cochlear implantation (1999); The American Journal of Otology; 20: 752-757.

  14. Invasive Cholesterol Granuloma involving the Basal Turn of the Cochlea. E Murugasu, T Y Tan, P Y Chong (2004); Otology & Neurotology; Vol 25:(3) 231-235. 

  15.  Hydroxyl-Apatite partial ossicular reconstruction prostheses: a comparison of temporal bone pressure gain measurements and patient audiological data (2003); Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology.

  16. Malleus-to-Stapes-Head vs. Malleus-to-Foot-Plate Hydroxyl-Apatite Ossicular Reconstruction Prosthesis: A comparison of pressure gain measurements in human temporal bones. E Murugasu, S Puria, J B Roberson (2005); Otology & Neurotology Vol 26(4):572-582. 

  17. Recent Advances in the Treatment of Sensorineural Deafness. E Murugasu (2005); Annals, Academy of Medicine; Vol 34 No 4 313- 321.

  18. Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma of the Deep (Paralaryngeal) Soft Tissue: Lessons Learnt from a Case with a Partly Deceptively Benign Appearing Dedifferentiated Component. F Petersson, E Murugasu (2013); Head & Neck Pathology.

  19. Facial Nerve Bifurcation in Congenital Oval Window Atresia. Liu JY, Chuah JH, E Murugasu (2017) Otol Neurtol Vol 38 No 4.





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